Veena Recital by Ramana Balachandhran
Peggy R. McConnell Arts Center of Worthington 777 Evening Street, Worthington, OHVeena Recital by Ramana Balachandhran
Veena Recital by Ramana Balachandhran
The Earth Speaks
This quartet has been conceptualized as an effort to explore the coming together of two distinct instrumental artforms within the Carnatic tradition. The melodic instruments in this collaboration, violin, and nadaswaram, come from very different cultures. So is the case with the mridangam and tavil.
AMRUTHA VENKATESH - VOCAL RAJEEV MUKUNDAN - VIOLIN ARJUN GANESH - MRIDANGAM FREE for 2023 Annual Members Amrutha Venkatesh is an A Grade artist of AIR. She is the recipient of numerous recognitions and awards, including the Senior outstanding vocalist prize from the Madras Music Academy for 2016 and 2017. She has performed widely in […]
Indian Instruments Petting Zoo with local youngsters
Veena Concert by Nirmala Rajasekar
What She Said: Six Voices from the Ramayana - A JustUs Repertory Production
In 2023 our much awaited annual Children’s Music Competition will again be followed by the awards ceremony on the same day. Please mark and save the dates on your calendars.
The Judges Concert, followed by Competition Quiz
Bharatanatyam by Kavita Thirumalai
WORKSHOP WITH KAVITA THIRUMALAI - A presentation on the nuances of the Vazhavoor Bani.
Carnatic Kutcheri - Ananya Ashok. Free for 2023 Annual Members.
Thanjavur Quartet Margam by Charumathi Chandrashekar. Free for 2023 Annual Members.
What She Said: Six Voices from the Ramayana - A JustUs Repertory Production
Concert by Sikkil Gurucharan
Concert by TM Krishna
Sax and Tabla - raaga on the saxophone
Bharatanatyam Margam By Bhavajan Kumar
Dhvani Annual Picnic – 2022
Blue Planet Festival – WASEEM AHMED KHAN