Dhvani celebrates the Musiri bani with a series of songs rendered by Brindha Manickavasakan who is a performing vocalist and research scholar in the field of Carnatic Music based in Chennai, India. She has been performing for the past 23 years, from the age of 10. She is an ‘A’ grade artist of All India Radio, Chennai. She has been learning from ‘Sangita Kala Acharya’ Vid. Suguna Varadachari, Chennai (for the past 13 years). See Brindha’s full bio here. Brindha is an also a guest teacher at the Dhvani School of Music.
Watch for a series of twelve songs of the Musiri Bani from Brindha to be published over the next few months.
Dhvani has also published an article on the Musiri Bani written by V Ramnarayan.
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